CALM - This is Not a Drill

This project features 5 short films that fuse narrative, drill music, a touch of comedy, and strong message about spotting the signs of friends and family dealing with mental health struggles.

The project intends to break down the stigma around mental health and empower people to help those who need it most.

A Common People Films Production @commonpeoplefilms

Creative & Writer: Osagie Samuel @osagiesamuel81 Arnold Jorge Gareth Ellis
Director: Kevin Hudson @kevinhudsonfilm
Producer: Erin Sullivan @erinn_s
Exec Producers: Ramy Dance @ramydance Tony Roberts @asroberts74 Mel Sylvester medders37

CCO: Toby Allen
Creative Director: Mark Daw
Head of Production: Charles Crisp
Agency Producer: Carla Sandhu @carlasandhu
Senior Account Director: Kelly Gardener, Misbah Husain @mizzhusain

1st AD: Sue King @suekingofficial
2nd AD: Lulu Chaps @luluu.ldn
Script Supervisor: Roxanne Maguire @roxmagsss
Production Manager: Aaron Briggs @wrdsmth_89, Emma Stevens Broyd @emmasbroyd

DOP: Dominic Lake @domlake
Camera Operator: Arran Green @arrangreen Devan Clarke-Sheward @devan
1st AC: Oli Robertshaw @robertshawoneword
2nd AC: Jasper Maberly @jasper
maberly Connor James Pearce
Grip: Tom Trevail
Grip Assist: Danny Martin

Gaffer: Charlie Lodge @charlielodge Sam Saunders @samuel__saunders
Electrician: Justin Cheung, James Brooker

Sound Operator: Hugo Berry @hugo.berry_

Stylist: Ollie Dunn @itsolliedunn
Stylist assistant: Libby Marsden @libbymarsden6
Hair & Make-up: Temi Adelekan @adeleartistry Paige Cole @paigecolemakeup
HMU Assistant: Clara Todirau @clara.todirau, Megan Goram

Production designer: Nuha Mekki @nuhamekki
Art director: Amelia Tavenner @ameliatavenner
Art assistant: Emilia Mendez emiliamendezdesign

Runner: Omer Burhan, Oli Nichol, Billy Daisley, Bradlee Anthony-Wetherill

Photographer: Jeaniq Amihyia @jeaniq_

Casting director: Thomas Adams Casting @thomasadamscasting

Location Scout: Mike Glynn @glynnister

Catering: FoodJunkee, Fam Vegan

Camera & Grip: ARRI Rental @arri_rental
Lighting: Glo Film Lighting @glofilmlighting
Sound: Just Audio @justaudioltd
Production essentials: Get Set Hire

Locations: Broadway Cafe, Salt Film

Jewellery: A Touch of Gold @touchofgoldlondon

Drill Sarge: Arnold Jorge
Kammo: Osagie Samuel @osagiesamuel81
Young Tizzy: Jarmaine Muganiwa @a1.jarmaine
Jabz: Ren Boateng @ren.dmc
Deepah: Tok Morakinyo @tokmorakinyo

Rob: Laurits Bjerrum @lau_bjerrum
Anthony: Bradlee Anthony-Wetherill @bradlee.wetherill

Pizza Delivery Man: Jordan Stephens @jordanfstephens

Mum: Zimena Osima-Pringle @zimenaosima
Tash: Xena Mendez @xenamendez

James: Michael Latham @mikeylatham_98
Ollie: David Amuno
Foreman: Mark Davis

Ray: David Adebiyi
Ally: Georgia Edwards

Ty: Fergus Murphy @fergusvmurphy
Kaiden: Michael Jeremiah @michael.jeremiahhh
Chef: Nick Von Schlippe @nickvonschlippe
Cafe customer: Kadeem Ramsay @kadeemramsay

Buzz Talent SA’s @buzztalent
Aluizia Cristina Leite San
Bayleigh Gray
Carol Eastcott
Eric Wright
Tenthree @tenthreeediting
Editor: Dave Robinson @david
Producer: Maya Kilic @_mayakilic

Electric Theatre Collective @electrictheatrecollective
Exec Producer: Vic Lovejoy
Co-ordinator: Ryley King @ryleyking98
Colourist: Megan Lee @colourbymegwan
Colour Exec Producer: Olly Whitworth @owhitworth86
2D Leads: Gary Driver / Ahmed El-Azma
Compositor: Tijan Holder
Compositing, Roto and Clean-Up: The Hotspring
Executive Production: Gemma Humphries
Production: Rishika Das
VFX Artists: Kanhiya Ponia + Asha Parakkal + Manthan Fale

Factory Studios @factorystudiosuk
Producer: Emily Thomas @emilyisobel
Sound Engineer: Josh Campbell @joshcampbell_sound
Assistant Engineer: Andy Isaias

Music Written by: Arnold Jorge, Osagie Samuel
Music Performed by: Arnold Jorge
Music Produced by: Carns Hill @carnshill
Music Recorded at Studio Maniac @studiomaniac_

Big thanks to The Young Arrows Awards @theyoungarrows and Arri Rental